Growth Mindset

Our mindset allows us to grow. Sometimes it can be very hard to break through our own personal barriers, but we cannot grow if we stay stuck. embracing a positive mindset allows us to reach new heights and grow ourselves.

Someone in a Fixed Mindset May Think;

“It’s embarassing when I make a mistake”

“If I don’t try new things, then I won’t fail”

“When I fail, I get frustrated and give up”

“Failure means that it is time to give up”

“I can’t do that”

“If I don’t improve right away I get frustrated and start to criticise myself”

“This is too hard! I give up”

“I’m not as smart as he/she is so I’ll never achieve what they can”

“Why should I try if I’ll fail anyway?”

“This is good enough, even though it isn’t my best”

But these mindsets won’t allow us to grow!

It can be frustrating when we don’t get it right first time, or if we fail, but remember! We can always try again. we are only limited by ourselves and what we believe we can do. The same people who put rockets on the moon or invented groundbreaking medical treatments are the same as us; the only difference is they had a growth mindset.

Someone With a Growth Mindset Will Think;

“Everyone makes mistakes, mistakes are opportunities to learn!”

“I have to try new things in order to grow, even if I fail at first”

“When I fail, or get frustrated, I try again using the lessons I’ve learned”

“I only fail when I stop trying”

“I can’t do that yet; I’m going to keep going and ask for help until I understand it”

“I know improvements take time, and I will celebrate the small steps. even a little progress makes a difference”

“Even when things are hard, I won’t give up”

“I can do anything I set my mind to!”

“I can’t do it yet, but I will be able to soon”

“I can face my fears and be courageous”

With these thoughts and mindsets in ourselves, we can start to grow. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn, and every step we take forward is worth celebrating. Even if you do 1% better than you did yesterday, that still represents a massive change!

The small step could be something like setting a time to get out of bed, and sticking to it. if it’s 9:00, it could become 8:55 in a week, then 8:50 the week after, and before you know it, you’d be up before the birds!

Fixed Mindset Activity

What do you think represents a fixed and a growth mindset? Drag the answers into the two columns below. if you change your mind or make a mistake (which is okay!), you can just drag the answer into what you think is the correct column

Drag and Drop Text
someone with a FIXED mindset
someone with a GROWTH mindset

Is inspired when others do well

Is jealous when others do well

Keeps trying until they can do it

Can learn from their mistakes

Believes it doesn’t help to work hard

Loves a challenge

Gives up easily

Won’t try new or hard things

Avoids challenges

Likes to try new things

Believes effort helps them learn

Believes if they don’t try then they won’t make mistakes

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